The wedding invite

''Ferit… where did you people go to? I went to the night market and searched but I didn't find you'' Demit asked.

''Take your hands off me, Demit!'' Ferit said sternly and Demit stepped back. She looked at Ozge and asked.

''You are really working hard, Ozge. First you got Amanda to like you, now you have Ferit, right?''

Ozge turned to look at her and asked, ''those are your words, Miss Demit. don't drag me into your business anytime something doesn't work for you. Are you sure things would work for you if I was out of the picture? I highly doubt that'' Ozge chuckled and walked away.

''What? Hey!'' Demit yelled and turned to look around. Some of the guests had turned to look at her.


''Ozge… your bag'' Ferit walked to Ozge when she was about to open her door.

''Mm, thank you'' Ozge took the bag and met Ferit's gaze.

''It's free. If you really want to pay me back, then make sure you come back here when you and that man finally gets together. And by the way, you two will kiss before the night end''

Ozge's face became red when she remembered what the woman said. She snatched the bag at once and rushed into the room and locked it.

Ferit furrowed his brows. He had a confused expression on his face.

''Why is her face so red? Is she sick?'' Ferit murmured as he walked away.


Ozge finished bathing and walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. She pouted her lips and murmured.

''What a quack! didn't she say that we will kiss before the night ends? Nothing like that happened? Tsk! I shouldn't have believed all the nonsense that she was saying…''

Ozge turned to look at the door when she heard a knock on it.

''Who is there?'' she asked and opened the door. ''Ferit? What are you doing here again?''

''Your face was pale so I thought you might be coming down with a fever so I made the kitchen brew some chamomile tea for you. Can I come in?'' Ferit asked.

''Yes, come in'' Ozge stepped aside and he entered the room before she closed the door.

''Your room looks beautiful'' Ferit said after placing the cup down. He looked at the room and smiled.

Ozge tightened the robe around her body nervously. She picked the cup and didn't blow on it before drinking.

''It's hot…'' it was already late by the time Ferit warned her. The tea had already scalded her tongue.

''Ah!'' Ozge yelled and Ferit took the cup from her.

''Why didn't you blow on it before drinking it?'' Ferit asked as he stepped closer.

''I… I didn't know it was so hot'' Ozge said and almost cried.

''Let me check…'' Ferit held her hands and looked at her tongue which she had stuck out. 'It's scalded pretty badly.

''This is all your fault…'' Ozge said and frowned. She looked at Ferit and her heart skipped a beat.

Ferit looked at her lips and asked, ''Ozge, can I use my debt right now?''


Ferit pulled her closer and kissed her. Ozge blinked a couple of times. She was still in shock and her lips parted a little. Taking that chance, Ferit dived in with his tongue and kissed her again, this time, tongue to tongue. He explored her lips as she remained rigid, watching him. She was too shocked to react.

''Close your eyes, Ozge…'' Ferit whispered and Ozge closed her eyes instantly. She moaned and her hands held Ferit's shirt tightly as she kissed him back.

Ferit's hand went to her shoulder and he slowly lowered it and pulled down her robe a little, exposing part of her breast.

''Ferit…'' Ozge called but it came out as a plea. As if she was begging him to continue.

Ferit continued to kiss her but he didn't let his hands go further. He stopped when they were both out of breath.

Ozge gasped and came back to her senses. She touched her lips and stepped back, tripping over. She tried to hold Ferit for support and pulled him as she fell on the bed.

Ferit was now laying on top of her. Their heartbeat, beating almost at the same time as they looked at each other.

''You…'' Ozge coughed and her face became red as she spoke, ''you… you should… get… up… first'' Ozge managed to say.

''Oo'' Ferit and his body froze. He realized the robe had parted and he was actually laying on her breasts. It was awkward.

''Why… why are you getting up?'' Ozge asked.

''The robe, I think the robe is removed from the top. If I get up, you will be exposed''

''Huh?'' Ozge looked up and cussed and yelled, ''why are you telling me that now. Close your eyes!''

''Miss, my eyes are already closed since I noticed that. Do you think it is easy for me? I am laying on a naked woman and can't even touch her. I will be needing a cold shower after here''

''What? Cold shower, you are so shameless, Ferit. How many times do you want to take advantage of me?''

''Until you become mine'' Ferit said and stood up. He turned away immediately and said to Ozge, ''you should cover up first''

''I know that too'' Ozge stood up and tightened the robe around her body.

''I will leave now. Make sure you drink the tea and tried to calm down''

''You are the one who needs to calm down, get out'' Ozge followed and locked her door after Ferit left the room. She looked at herself and cussed.

''Darn it! Why is this happening to me? This is all… wait! That woman. That woman must have done something to me. How could I give myself away so easily? I actually enjoyed how he took control and kissed me. Hey! Ozge, you've finally lost it. How could you even be thinking about this? You are hopeless''


Ferit opened the door and saw Demit sitting in the hall drinking a glass of wine. Demit picked his phone and said to him.

''Grandpa called. He said we should come home straight after the seminar tomorrow. He has an announcement to make''

''Did you call my grandfather?''

''Yes, I had to remind you of who you were since you decided to mess with a mere doctor who isn't at the same level with you. Dr. Ozge is bad news. She is not a good person and I will prove that to you. I hope you will not be ashamed once you find out the kind of person she was and is now''

''Good night Demit'' Ferit said and went to his room. He was angry because he was just in good mood but now Demit had destroyed all the happiness inside him with her words.


Next day….

''Hello, Leyla''

''My ancestor, what's wrong with your voice?''

''Nothing, it rained here last night, must be the reason why I feel a bit down. How is Adams?''

''He is fine. I cleaned your house. Ozge, I collected a few mails from reception''

''How many mails?'' Ozge locked her room and pulled her luggage along as she walked away.

''6 mails and five are from an unknown person. One if from… Ozge, one is from the Almendez family''

Ozge's stepped slowed down when she heard the name.

''Leyla, open it and tell me what it says''

''Is it alright for me to open it? I am curious to know but this was addressed to you''

''I am giving you the permission to open it. Do it right away''


Ozge could hear the paper noise as Leyla tore it.

''Ozge, this…''

''What is it?''

''This is an invitation letter. It says here that you are being invited to the wedding of Ferit Almendez and Demit Suwait'' Leyla said carefully.

''What?'' Ozge's hand clenched around the luggage handle.

''Director Ferit and Miss Demit are getting married. How can this be happening? I thought he was interested in you?''

''Leyla, calm down. I will be in the City in a few hours' time. Let's meet and chat when I arrive''

''Alright, Ozge. Please be careful''

''Mm, bye'' Ozge hung up. She took a deep breath and chuckled, ''trash! He dared to promise me and even kissed me when he is getting married?''

Ozge walked away.

At the reception, Demit smirked as she talked to Nano over the phone.

''Did you do what I asked you too?''

''Yes, Miss Demit. I sent it to the address. I'm sure, Dr. Ozge must have heard about it by now because Leyla must have seen it already''

''Alright, I will send something into your account'' Demit hung up and turned to look at Ozge who was coming towards the reception. She smirked and walked towards her.

''Ozge, you don't look too good this morning. Did you wake up at the wrong side of the bed or did you hear some bad news this morning?''

''You seem to have a lot of time but I don't so get lost!'' Ozge replied and heard her name from behind her.

''Ozge…'' Ferit walked towards them.