Team Ferit and Ozge

''Is there anything you need me for, Director Ferit?'' Ozge asked. Her voice was cold and distant. It took Ferit by surprise and he wondered what was wrong.


''I already called a cab, I will take my leave first'' Ozge pulled her luggage out as she went.

Ferit looked confused. He didn't know what was going on, so he turned to Demit who had a smirk on her face.

''What did you do again?''

''Nothing… but, I guess she must have received the news of our wedding. I think it was sent out yesterday…?''

''Wedding? You and me?''

''Mm, that's what grandpa wanted to tell us. My grandfather already started sending out the invites. I asked someone to give Ozge one. Since she has being helping out with Amanda, I just wanted to let her be there and see how it feels to have a wedding of the century''

''You are a lunatic'' Ferit pulled his luggage out hurriedly but by the time he was out, Ozge was already gone with her taxi.


When Ferit arrived at the conference center, he saw Ozge chatting with Hassan, Andy and two other ladies he didn't know but had seen with Ozge yesterday. Ozge turned and their eyes met but she shifted her gaze almost immediately.

''Right, my parents received an invite to the wedding of your hospital Director and his fiancée. I didn't know they were getting married so soon?'' one of the ladies spoke.

''Wedding invitation? But I thought he was in love with O…'' Andy was about to mention Ozge's name when Hassan pinched him. Andy turned and Hassan shook his head subtly.

''I must have heard wrong…'' Andy said and laughed.

''Didn't you know about the wedding, Ozge? He is your Director and you two seem pretty close''

''We are not close…'' Ozge replied and walked away and Hassan followed her.


Ozge went to her seat and Hassan joined her. He removed a lollipop from his pocket and gave it to her saying, ''I eat lollipop when I'm not in a good mood''

''I am not in a bad mood. I'm just a little tired'' Ozge said as she took the lollipop.

''Didn't you know about their marriage before? They've being engaged for a while now''

''I know''

''And you still fell for him?''

''Huh? No! I don't… I don't have feelings for him''

''Ozge, you are quite easy to read. You don't know but your eyes give you away easily. But, it's okay. You can use me as your shield, I don't mind''

''What do you mean?''

''I mean, if you don't want him to know about your feelings for him, you can use me''

''No. Hassan, I hate taking advantage of people. I will take care of my feelings myself. You don't have to protect me. I know how to protect myself'' Ozge's voice was low and cracking as she spoke. It was obvious she was trying to hold back her tears that threatened to fall.

Ozge looked away and started sucking the lollipop.

''You leave me with no option then…''

''What do you mean?''

''Aren't you curious about his true feelings about you?''


''I can help you find out if he indeed has feelings for you or not'' Hassan said and leaned closer to Ozge, ''don't move…'' he told her and looked into her face. He touched her brows, straightening them.

''Hassan, what are you doing?''

''He is coming this way, Ozge. He… doesn't look good…''


''What are you two doing?'' Ferit asked when he got to them.

Hassan and Ozge turned and looked at him with innocent gazes.

''Director Ferit look a little rough. I was just straightening Ozge's brows. Did we do something wrong?''

''There are a lot of people here. Don't you think doing that will raise suspicions?''

''Suspicion about what?'' Ozge asked, 'that we are getting married just because he is helping me out? Not everyone gets married that fast, Director Ferit''

Ferit looked at her and nodded his head saying, ''we will talk after this, Dr. Ozge'' Ferit turned and walked away.

Ozge touched her racing heart and sighed after Ferit left. She turned to Hassan and asked, ''how did I do?''

''You did great but why does it bother me so much?''


''I suddenly want you to look at me with the same eyes that you are looking at Ferit with. I am jealous that he could bring out so much in you''


''It's alright. I just have to work hard, right?''

Ozge looked at Hassan quietly.


After the seminar, Ozge took a taxi and arrived at the airport early. She had called to change her flight to an earlier one​ so that she could leave without Ferit and Demit. Even though she knew her actions would make Ferit believe she had feelings for him, she still had to go with it. She didn't want to sit with them or be close to them. She just wanted to get far away from them.

This gave her a reality check. She had almost forgotten who she was during the trip. She had forgotten that she didn't have the right to be with him because at the end of the day, she took money and signed a contract that forbade her from getting closer to him.

Sitting on the plane, Ozge looked at the clouds outside and wiped her tears away. Why was she suddenly feeling so emotional? It isn't like she hadn't gone through this before. This wasn't even her first time of parting away from him, but why did she feel the pain more now.

Was it because he was now able to see her? Back then, even with his face bandaged, he would hold unto her hand each time she was going to feed him food or medicine. He didn't even know how she looked like back then, but he was always so warm towards her.

Ozge shook her head and wiped away her tears again. ''You can't be saved, Ozge. Darn it. You are a fool Ozge. Falling for the same man again even after going separate ways for so long''


After boarding their flight, Ferit looked at the empty seat by his side and sighed. He was becoming to get worried. He hated misunderstandings. He hated it when someone close to him drew their own conclusion without asking him.

Was it that hard? She could have just asked and he would have explained. He wondered what was going through her head.

Demit looked at Ferit and smiled saying, ''it seems she really took her role seriously. Did she think that she could be with you just because Amanda liked her and called her Mommy? Tsk! Some people just don't know how to cut their coat according to their size''

''You should be worrying about yourself, Demit. After all, you still don't have a groom for your wedding''

''What? Ferit…''

''I will never marry you in this life and the next, next, next life. If you want to play dirty, I will show you I can do same too, Demit Suwait''

''Do you think my grandfather will watch you disgrace our family name?''

''Do you think my grandfather will watch me marry a woman I don't have feelings for? We will see who wins''

The two looked at each other daringly.


Almendez Family Mansion.

When Ferit and Demit entered the house, they heard three different voices. They seemed pleasant and cheerful as they chatted.

''Grandfather…'' Ferit went over to his grandfather' side and greeted him before turning to Demit's grandfather and his younger wife, ''grandpa Suwait, aunt…'' he didn't acknowledge the young lady much because she was younger than him.

''Grandpa…'' Demit went and hugged her grandfather and Ferit's grandfather but didn't bother to look at her step grandmother. She and Hermes weren't in good terms.

''Ferit is back just on time. Your grandfather and us were discussing your wedding with Demit'' Hermes spoke as she looked at Ferit and Demit. Hermes had done her own investigations and knew that Ferit was against the marriage. Even she was against the marriage because it was going to block her chances.

So… in this marriage, she wanted to be team Ferit and Ozge and prevent Demit from marrying into the Almendez family.

''Grandpa, grandpa Suwait. I already cancelled the engagement, a few years back. I don't understand where this sudden wedding is coming from''

''What? Didn't you…. Didn't you and Demit get back together again? Demit, what is going on?'' Old Mr. Suwait asked aggressively.

''Grandpa, Ferit what are you doing? I never agreed to calling off the engagement. You promised to marry me after regaining your sight. I have been with you for so long…''

''That's probably because you were the first person he saw when the doctors took of his bandages, so he thinks you were the one with her all those years'' Hermes spoke sarcastically and chuckled.

''Hermes, shut up'' Demit yelled.

''Grandpa, Grandpa Suwait… I do not have feelings for Demit and I don't want to marry a woman I can't relate with''