Become a family.

Ozge yawned as she walked towards the door. She was still sleeping when she heard the doorbell ringing. She really wanted to kill the person behind the door.

Ozge opened the door yawning. She closed her mouth immediately when she saw Ferit at the door. Ozge flushed and looked at him.

''Do you go to bed wearing just this?'' Ferit asked and Ozge looked at herself. She was wearing white t-shirt and a pink silky underwear.

Ozge frowned and shut the door at him. She cussed and ran to her room to change.

''Wow… Ozge. What is wrong with you?''

Ozge changed into a yellow long dress before going back to the door. She opened it and stepped aside, allowing Ferit to go in.

''Why did you change? I didn't mind seeing you in that. Makes me wonder what you would look like wearing my shirt'' Ferit said as he went towards the kitchen.

''What are you doing here so early?'' Ozge walked up to him and asked.

''Miss, look at your clock. Is it still early for you?''

Ozge turned and looked at her clock. ''I was the one who didn't wake up early'' Ozge murmured and saw Ferit removing bowls from her cabinet.

''What is in that bag?'' she asked.

''I brought breakfast. I will go to work after eating with you''

''What about Amanda?''

''I sent her to school and bought this on my way. Wash your hands and come to the table. Did you wash your face?''

''Mm, I always wash my face at 6 before going back to bed if I don't have to go to work'' Ozge sat across him and watched him serve the food he brought.

''That's good. Eat while it's hot''

Ozge nodded her head and picked her cutlery to eat.

''Wouldn't it be nice to wake up like this every day? Have breakfast together, send Amanda to school and go to work together''

''What… do you mean?''

''Let's get married''

Ozge choked on her food and coughed. Ferit picked the glass of water and gave it to her. Ozge sipped it and coughed a little before calming down. She looked at Ferit and asked.

''Why are you so unpredictable and spontaneous? You say the most unexpected things''

''I get jealous easily. I might even get jealous when I see you next to Logan but I am not the type to ask a lot of questions about what happened between you two and honestly, I don't really care. What matters is that you are no longer with him. I just feel that, we shouldn't waste a lot of time trying to figure out whether it will work or not. What will happen if it doesn't work out and…''

''Ferit, there are so many things you don't know about me. I don't want you to find out later and be disappointed in me. There are also some things I can't talk about. No, I'm not allowed to talk about because it involves a lot of people and could destroy a lot of things. I don't want to be the reason why a lot of people will get implicated. Most importantly, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me''

Ferit smiled and touched her hand. ''Ozge, let me ask you sincerely. Do you like me?''


''Don't answer me yet. Do you still have the shoes I bought you? Make sure you wear them when you are ready to take the next step with me. But, don't keep me waiting for so long. I might get impatient and just kidnap you''

Ozge laughed and turned when she heard her phone ringing from the bedroom. She stood up and pointed at the door saying, 'my phone is ringing''

''Go ahead''

Ozge went into her room and picked the phone. It was a call from Azra so she answered it fast.

''Yes, Azra. He is in town? Alright, send me the address. I will go there and meet him personally. How is the patient doing?''

''He is fine. Dr. Ozge, please be careful when you go there. Rumors have it that, he is an uncouth man who doesn't play by the rules. He is also a pervert. Make sure you wear something that won't bring out a lot of your curves. I heard he loves thick curvy women and you might just be his type''

''Azra… alright. I will be careful. Thank you for your hard work. Bye'' Ozge hung up and returned to the table. She saw Ferit also speaking on phone.

''Yes, I will be there immediately. Send me the address'' Ferit hung up and turned to face Ozge.

''Are you going back?'' Ozge asked.

''Yes, I have a meeting with a representative from Delta Gardens. They recently developed a machine that will be good for the hospital so I have to go with my grandfather to have a look''

''Delta Gardens?'' Ozge asked.

''Yes. What about you? Who called?''

''That was Azra, a nurse at the ER. I asked her to look into someone and she just found out that the person is also in town. I want to go and meet him''

''I see. Do you want me to give you a ride?''

''No, I still have to get ready before. You can leave without me''

''Alright, then let's meet in the evening''

''Sure'' Ozge walked him to the door and smiled before closing the door after Ferit walked away.

Ozge went to her room and took a quick bath. She changed into a dark green skirt and top and paired it with a black bag and shoes to match. She applied a light makeup and a light pink lipstick with star-light earrings.

She looked simple and beautiful.


When Ozge came down from the elevator, Temi saw her first. He smiled and walked out of the counter, ''Dr. Ozge, are you going on a date?''

''No, I'm going to meet someone''

''You look so beautiful''

''Thank you'' Ozge smiled and walked out. She hailed a taxi and got inside.

''Drive, Hill Hotel, thank you''

''Yes, Ma'am''


Hill Hotel

Ozge got down from the taxi and walked inside. Immediately afterwards, Ferit pulled over and got down with his grandfather and they also entered the hotel.

Ozge went to the restaurant and looked around. Her eyes landed on the man she was there for and she walked over.

''Mr.. Alex Biden?'' Ozge asked.

The man looked up and took off his shades. He scanned Ozge over and smiled nodding his head, ''yes. How may I help you?''

''Hi, I am Dr. Ozge. From Almendez Family Hospital. I came to see you for something''

''I am here for an important meeting but I can't reject a pretty woman. Sit down''

''Thank you''

Ozge placed the brown envelope in her hand on the table, passing it on to Alex Biden. He looked at it and picked it up asked.

''What is this?'' He looked at Ozge before opening it. His eyes blinked a few times before he finally looked up again, as if expecting an explanation from Ozge.

''I believe you are well acquainted with this man. He used to work as a security at your company before he was laid off due to illness. When he was laid off, the company didn't pay him any compensation nor did they pay for his hospital bills. He worked for three months and wasn't paid. Now the man is sick, in a critical condition at the hospital. He doesn't have a family nor anyone to take care of his bills. Not only that, his illness is from the waste that your company pours into the town's main water stream…''

''What is your point?''

''I want you to take care of his hospital bills and also compensate him''


''You are well aware of the things your company is doing to the town's people. My question is… do you think that your money is enough to buy their lives?''

''Hey! Who do you think you are to come here and talk to me in this manner? Don't you know who I am?''

''I know who you are, but I don't care. What I want is for you to take responsibility for what your company did to this man because it is unfair''

''What are you going to do if I don't take responsibility? Go to the police and report me if you have evidence of what you are saying''

''I won't go to the police but I know what to do''

''What are you going to do?''

''Post our conversation on the internet. Let everyone know the kind of person you really are'' Ozge opened her palm, revealing the small recorder she carried with her to the hotel.

''Did… you… did you record me?'' Alex stuttered.

''Yes. I know how people like you behave so I came prepared. Smart move, right?'' Ozge cocked her brows and smirked.

''Ha!'' Alex chuckled and his face became cold as he spoke, ''you don't know who you are messing with, right? You came here purposefully dressed up to distract me, then use that in your favor, right?''

''Ozge?'' A voice asked and Ozge turned.