Petty Ferit

''Ah!'' Alex chuckled and his face became cold as he spoke, ''you don't know who you are messing with, right? You came here purposefully dressed up to distract me, then use that in your favor, right?''

''Ozge?'' A voice asked and Ozge turned.

''Ferit?'' Ozge stood up immediately and bowed when she saw Ferit and his grandfather.

''Dr. Ozge… you are here with…?'' George Almendez looked at Alex Biden with a confused gaze.

''Do you know each other?'' Ferit asked Ozge.


''Mr. Almendez, does she work at your hospital?'' Alex stood up and asked, straightening his suit.

''Yes. How do you know each other?'' Ferit asked.

''Well, Miss… no, Dr. Ozge here came to threaten me. I don't know if this is common amongst your employees but this is unacceptable''

''I wasn't threatening you. I came to discuss something relating to my patient to you'' Ozge retorted.

''Ferit, take Dr. Ozge away. I will have the meeting with Alex'' Old Almendez said to Ferit.

''I still have to get a response from him''

''Ozge, let's go'' Ferit held Ozge's hand and pulled her away.

Alex Biden looked at them and smirked. He had a confident look in his eyes.

''Sit down, Alex'' Old Almendez sat on Ozge's seat.


''Let go of me'' Ozge said and stepped aside from Ferit.

''Ozge, how do you know Alex Biden?''

''He is a former employer of my patient''

''Was this where you said you were going to?''

''Mm. How do you know someone like Alex Biden?''

''I should be asking you that. What are you doing with him, Ozge?''

''He… I came to ask him to take responsibility for my patient's hospital bills. The man I did surgery on used to work for him. He fired the man without paying him any severance fee. His company also dumps their waste products into the stream that Delta Town drinks from''

''So, you came to confront him because you want justice for you patient?''


''Ozge, why didn't you discuss this with me first? Alex is not someone you can mess with. He is a dangerous man''

''Are you doing business with him?''

''He brought a few machines and called us to come and take a look. They are equipment that will be helpful to the hospital so my grandfather and I came here to meet him''

''I see. Then, go back and continue. I am done with him so I'm leaving''

''Ozge, you look beautiful''

Ozge blushed and looked away saying shyly, ''why are you suddenly complimenting me. I thought you would be angry with me?''

''I am angry with you but this is also the first time I am seeing you in bright colored outfits other than black outfits. So, I must compliment you'' Ferit stepped closer and said to her, ''go and wait inside my car. Let's go home together''

''Huh?'' Ozge felt her palm open and Ferit placed the car key on her palm before walking away. Ozge smiled and looked at him before walking out.


''Ozge Ausman? I didn't know you had such a character in your hospital? But I like her. She is just my type''

''Do you dare to like a woman that is mine?'' Ferit walked over and sat next to his grandfather''

"Your woman? What about Miss Demit, weren't you two engaged already? Ferit, you shouldn't do that''

''Since when were you interested in my business?''

''That's enough. Let's discuss business'' Old Almendez said to them.


By the time Ferit finished and went over to his car, it was already a little late into the evening. He stopped at the front door and looked at Ozge who was sleeping inside the car. He smiled and went over to the driver's seat and got inside.

Ferit removed his coat and placed it over her body. He leaned closer and stared at her face. He lifted his hand and brushed back gently her hair that had fallen on her face, covering her eyes and nose.

Ozge slowly opened her eyes and saw Ferit's face closer to her. She blushed but didn't say anything. Ferit smiled when he saw that she was awake. He didn't move back. He continued to lean over as they gazed upon each other.

''When a woman opens her eyes and sees a man looking at her, do you know what she must do?'' Ferit asked.

''No! what should she do?''

''She has to close her eyes and pretend to still be asleep or else…''

''Or else what?''

''The man would be tempted to kiss her, just like now…'' Ferit touched her face and was about to lean further when Ozge's phone started ringing. Ferit closed his eyes and cussed softly.

Ozge sat up straight and picked her bag that had fallen down the seat. She picked the bag and removed the phone. Her face changed slightly as she looked at the caller ID.

''Who is calling?'' Ferit asked.

''It's my senior. Dr. Hassan''

Ferit moved over to his seat and looked at her.

''Hello, Senior! Yes, I'm fine. Sorry I left quickly without meeting again. Yes, I'm back in the City. Huh? You are… you are at the hospital? No, I'm close by. I will be there soon''

Ozge hung up and turned to look at Ferit.

''Where do you want to go? Hospital, right?''

''Mm. He suddenly came because of me. I have to see him''

''I know but you should make it clear to him. You know he likes you''

''Can you take me there?''

''Of course I am taking you there. Do you think I will allow you to go there by yourself? Also, it's already late, why did he come to you at this time?''

''I don't know. He said he wanted to discuss something important with me. I will find out once I get there''

''Let's go'' Ferit started the car.


Almendez family hospital.

Ozge got down from the car at the entrance and turned to Ferit, ''tell Amanda I will call her when I get back''

''Be careful and call me if anything happens''

''Alright, bye bye'' Ozge turned to leave and Ferit held her hand. She turned back to look at him and asked, 'is there something else''

''Here is something to keep you distracted…'' Ferit leaned over and kissed her forehead, ''don't smile in front of him and make sure you think about me''

''I will call you later'' Ozge said shyly and got out of the car. She hurried into the lobby and forgot to pick her phone. After she left, Ferit heard the phone ringing again and he picked it up.


''Hassan…'' Ozge went over when she saw Hassan at the lobby.

''Ozge, I was calling you again. Where did you leave your phone?'' Hassan asked.

''My phone?'' Ozge looked into her bag and remembered she had left it in the car. 'I think I left it in the car. I was in a hurry to come and forgot to pick it''

''I see. Which car? Your own or a cab?''

''I don't have a car yet…''

''Ozge, you left your phone in the car'' Ferit walked to them.

Hassan furrowed his brows when he saw Ferit coming over to them. He turned to look at Ozge as if waiting for an explanation.

''Next time, make sure to carry your phone everywhere you go. What if it's an emergency?''

''Thank you for bringing it back. I'm sorry for worrying you''

''Director Ferit, hi'' Hassan stretched his hand, shaking Ferit.

''Hi, Director Hassan. Fancy seeing you here?''

''Yes. I had some business in the City so I decided to come and see Ozge. This is not her work hours, so you don't mind, right?''

''I don't mind. As long as she makes sure to come back home early. Amanda is stubborn. She might refuse going to bed until she sees you'' Ferit turned to look at Ozge after speaking.

''I will do that''

''Are you staying together?'' Hassan couldn't help but ask.



Ozge and Ferit looked at each other.

''We stay together'' Ferit said.

''No, that's not what he means. We live in the same building. Ferit, stop messing around and go. Amanda must be waiting for you''

''You live in the same building?''

''In short, I am her landlord and also her boss at work'' Ferit said proudly. It was as if he was showing off the fact that he was closer to Ozge than Hassan was.

''I see. You must see each other often then''

''Yes, we do. As a matter of fact, we even…'' Ferit stopped when he felt a sharp pain from his side. Ozge had pinched him to stop him from talking. She didn't want Ferit to say a lot of things just because he was bragging in front of Hassan.

''We should go now, Hassan. I promised you that I will treat you to some City X delicacies, right? Let's go and have some worm noodles''

''The delicacies including worm noodles contain a lot of fat. Are you not afraid that you might not be able to digest them before bedtime? You might get constipation'' Ferit spoke, making them stop.

Ozge sighed and looked at Ferit. She turned to Hassan with a smile saying, ''let's go. You still haven't tasted the rice wine, right? I will…''