Awkward moments

Ozge sighed and looked at Ferit. She turned to Hassan with a smile saying, ''let's go. You still haven't tasted the rice wine, right? I will…''

''Rice wine at this time of the night? Ozge, even if you are not worried for your health, shouldn't you be mindful of the people you will put through suffering when you are drunk? I warned you before. Don't ever drink with strangers''

''I am not a stranger to Ozge'' Hassan replied.

''You two just met at the seminar a week back and now you are not a stranger anymore?''

''I was Ozge's senior back at school and we've maintained a good relationship''

Ozge sighed and massaged her forehead as she looked at them. Just when she was about to talk, she saw Logan and Dr. Patricia coming out of the hospital.

''Hassan?'' Logan asked and Hassan turned to look at him.

''Logan, Dr. Patricia. Fancy seeing you two''

''I could say the same thing. Dr. Ozge, aren't you supposed to be resting at home? What is a sick patient doing outside instead of recovering? Director, you promised me that you will make sure she gets enough rest'' Patricia asked Ferit.

''She doesn't really listen to me'' Ferit replied and Ozge looked at him.


''Hassan, what are you doing at our hospital?'' Logan asked. He remembered Demit talking about how Hassan was interested in Ozge.

Right at that moment, it seemed like everyone who was interested in Ozge was there. All in the same space at the same time.

''I came to visit Ozge but she was with Director Ferit and they just came now. We are planning to go and eat something''

''It's not common to have you here, let's go grab something to eat together'' Logan suggested.

''I will have to take a rain check on that…'' Patricia said and Ozge cut her off.

''Chief, join us'' Ozge said as she looked at Patricia with a pleading gaze. She went closer and stood next to Patricia and whispered, 'it's going to be awkward and hard on me. I can't handle these three men together''

''I still have some time to spare, I will join you''

''Ozge, let's go in my car'' Hassan held Ozge's hand as he spoke.

''I will join you. I didn't bring my car and could use a ride. Dr. Patricia can go with Ferit, right?'' Logan spoke.

''I…'' Ozge touched the coat around her body and remembered she was still wearing Ferit's suit top. She turned to Ferit and smiled before going with Hassan and Logan.

''Dr. Patricia, let's go'' Ferit said to Patricia before turning to his car.

''How is your palm, Ozge?'' Logan asked when Hassan started the car.

''Ozge, did you get hurt? I heard Dr. Patricia saying it earlier'' Hassan turned and looked Ozge who was sitting by his next at the front seat.

''It's fine. Ferit dressed it for me this morning'' Ozge replied and met Logan's gaze through the mirror. He was looking at her.

''You should be careful not to let water get into it. Also stay away from heat and steam. It will be dangerous if it gets effected''

''Mm, I'm doing that''

Logan's phone buzzed and he took it out from his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and took a glance at Ozge before answering it, keeping his voice very low.

''Hello, Anushika. I'm having dinner with my colleagues''

''Are you with Dr. Ozge? I saw her at a hotel this afternoon​ with the CEO of Delta Group and Ferit Almendez. I thought you might want to know. I've sent the pictures I took to your email''

''I will call you later, Anushika. I can't talk now'' Logan said and hung up immediately. He looked at Ozge and noticed she was laughing at something Hassan.

''Really? I could never have thought of that'' Ozge spoke.

''That's because you rarely stayed for department dinner. But I was glad you didn't come that day because I would have felt embarrassed to face you''

''I really miss those days. I remember when it was always time for drinks, Adams and Leyla would opt to drink for me because I couldn't hold my liquor''

''What about now? Ferit said you couldn't drink rice wine because you would get drunk. Did he witness your legendary drunk behavior?''

''Let's say he did get a little glimpse of it but I was halfway sober so nothing happened or I would be damned'' Ozge said and laughed.

''Ozge, don't drink when you are out with strangers. It's dangerous. You used to love drinking when it was just the two of us. You can always call me if you want to grab a drink'' Logan tried to chip in. The car became quiet after he spoke.

''There is no need to trouble Dr. Sher with that. I love to drink alone nowadays''

''Ozge is right, you are a busy person. She shouldn't bother you with such things. Ozge, I will be going back tomorrow. Let's meet before I go''


Logan became quiet and simply listened as they drove towards the restaurant.


''Dr. Patricia, will you be free on Monday?''

''Why do you ask, Director?''

''I want to go somewhere with you. There are a few new devices that we want to purchase for the hospital but I wanted you to see it and test it first since your department will be using them?''

''Are you going to get the equipment I submitted during the department briefing?''


''That would be great. But I wonder what made you change your mind? I thought you wanted to focus on the NS Department first''

''I was going to do that but after what happened to Ozge, I changed my mind. What do you plan on doing with the nurse who made that mistake? I hope you do know that it wasn't just a mere mistake?'' Ferit curved into the restaurant road as he asked.

''I know, but she is not in my department. I heard that Dr. Sher made her resign after what she did. But I don't think it was the problem of the nurse. The head nurse in my department is crossing the line lately and if not because of her relationship with you, I would have put her in her place''

''You can do that''


''I am giving you the permission to do whatever you want with her. She is still under you and you are the Chief''

''Alright'' Patricia smiled and looked at the entrance. She saw Hassan, Ozge and Logan standing outside.

Ferit pulled over and they got down. He handed his keys to the valet and they walked to them.

''Let's go in'' Hassan said and led Ozge inside.

When they entered, Hassan pulled out a chair for Ozge and pulled the next one out to sit but Ferit hurriedly sat on it and smiled.

''Thank you, Director Hassan'' Ferit said and smirked.

''No problem'' Hassan smiled and pulled a chair across Ozge while Logan and Patricia sat across each other.

A waiter brought the menu tablet and spoke, ''welcome to Gilia. Can I take your order?'' she handed the menu table over to Hassan who stretched forth for it.

''What do you want to eat, Ozge? They have a lot of good food here'' Hassan asked as he scrolled through the list.

''Anything is okay for me. I don't like carrot and cucumber, anything else is fine''

''Then, I will make the decision''

''Why are you making the decision for us?'' Ferit snatched the menu tablet from Hassan and looked at it. He turned to Ozge and asked as he pointed at the dishes.

''Ozge, I tried their saffron risotto with forest mushrooms, it is really nice''

''Ozge is allergic to mushrooms. Didn't you know?'' Logan asked, ''let me have it. I will make the order''

''No. It's late. I will just have the spring carbonara'' Ozge said, stopping Logan.

''Alright, what about Dr. Patricia?'' Ferit asked.

''I will have the same thing as Ozge''

''I will have the same thing too'' Hassan spoke.

''I didn't ask you'' Ferit muttered and Ozge shook her head. He was so petty.

''I will have spaghetti with ham, ceps and black truffle'' Ferit said before handing the tablet over to Logan.

''I will have Ravioli Di Erbette'' Logan looked at the menu and picked his choice. He handed the table over to the waiter.

''Alright, I will be back shortly. Any choice of drink or wine?'' he asked.

''Give us wine, the most expensive one'' Hassan replied.

''Yes, sir'' the waiter bowed politely and walked away.

''Ozge, you are okay with drinking wine, right?'' Hassan asked.


''No!'' Ferit intercepted and looked at Ozge, ''have you forgotten what happened the last time you drunk?'' he asked and Ozge felt embarrassed.

''You… if I am drunk, I have my Chief here with me. She is a lady and will take care of me''

''Just let her drink a little. Ozge is stubborn. I used​ to pursued her a lot before she took a sip but later on, she enjoyed drinking. I remember teaching you how to achieve a high alcohol tolerance level'' Logan said and chuckled but apparently, he was the only one who found it funny because the table became silent and awkward.