If you can't Protect her, leave her alone!

''Just let her drink a little. Ozge is stubborn. I used​ to pursued her a lot before she took a sip but later on, she enjoyed drinking. I remember teaching you how to achieve a high alcohol tolerance level'' Logan said and chuckled but apparently, he was the only one who found it funny because the table became silent and awkward.

Ozge clenched her fist tightly under the table. It was taking everything in her to not jump across the seat and strangle Logan.

Ozge smirked. How could she have been so blind to all these things? Logan is the worst kind of men to date or be in a relationship with. They would always remind you of the wrong things you want to leave behind.

After a few seconds, Ozge placed her hands on her chair about to stand up and Patricia held her hand and said to her.

''Dr. Ozge, where are you going? The food is already here''

Ozge relaxed and looked at Logan before shifting her gaze to Ferit when she felt his touch. He was holding her hand under the table, squeezing it gently. He didn't look back at her when she turned but the warmness his hand made Ozge feel safe and protected.

When the food was served, everyone started eating quietly. Logan became quiet as he watched Ozge.

''Eat a lot, Ozge'' Hassan encouraged her.

''Mm, I'm eating'' Ozge smiled.

''Ozge, if you like the pickled onion, you can have it. You like pickled onions'' Logan said and used his chopsticks to pick the pickled onion.

''No need. I don't like them anymore. I ate a lot of it while in the penitentiary, I grew tired of them and also, the reason I went there makes me feel obnoxious just seeing it'' Ozge replied and Logan's hand quivered. His face became distorted and unpleasant.

''Ozge, drink this base soup'' Hassan offered, pushing his untouched bowl of base soup to her.

''Thank you''


After a rather tensed meal, Ozge excused herself and went to the washroom. After taking care of her business, she came out and saw Logan speaking on phone outside the male washroom. He had his back to her and didn't see her coming.

''Anushika, what happened was a mistake. I don't want Ozge to misunderstand me. You need to stay at that hospital. I will let them give you the position of the head nurse…'' Logan paused when he saw Ozge walk past him.

''I will speak to you later'' he hung up and hurried to Ozge's side.

''Ozge, wait''

''What do you want, Dr. Sher?'' Ozge asked, looking at him indifferently.

''Can we meet tomorrow? There is something I want to show you''

''That's enough, Logan. You don't seem to get it right, do you? I don't want to be close to you. I don't want to be in the same space with you. I hate you, Logan and I am serious about what I said the last time. I… I will not hesitate to hurt you, so stay away from me''

Logan held Ozge's hand when she tried to walk away. 'You are still mad at me. Isn't that because you still like me? You only hate someone you can't let go off. Ozge, you need to stay away from men like Hassan and Ferit. They are not people you can mess with. They are from powerful families and…''

Ozge suddenly felt dizzy and said in a low soft voice, 'let go, Logan. You are hurting me''

''I am the only one who knows you well and accept you just the way you are. I don't want you to get hurt by setting yourself up''



Logan didn't realize he had forcefully ripped the cut in Ozge's palm and his hand was now stained with the blood that was dripping to the floor.

Ozge tried to step back and he pulled her back, still talking until he saw Ozge's body falling to the floor.

''Ozge…'' Patricia screamed from a distance and ran over. Ozge fell into her arms.

''Ozge?'' Logan came back to his senses and looked at his hand and the blood on the floor. 'I…'' he didn't get the chance to explain when Ferit threw a punch at him as soon as he heard the yelling and rushed over.

''Ozge…'' Ferit lifted Ozge up and turned to Logan, 'you will pay for this, Logan''

''Ozge?'' Hassan hurried over and looked at them, 'what happened?''

''Ozge's hand must have opened. She is unconscious'' Patricia explained before running out of the place.

Logan looked at the blood in his hand and yelled.


Almendez Hospital.

Private ward.

''How is Ozge?'' Ferit asked Dr. Den, Ozge's uncle after he attended to Ozge.

''Luckily it's nothing serious. She is under a lot of stress lately and her sugar level just momentarily ran low that's why she fainted. She is sleeping now. She will wake up after the medicine wears out'' Dr. Den explained and sighed.

''What exactly did Logan tell her when they were alone? She was hurt and he didn't even bother to stop''

''Logan was there when Ozge fainted? Why is Logan still close to my niece? Ferit, let's talk alone''

''Uncle, this is my fault. I asked Ozge out for a meal and Logan followed us. I should have been more careful'' Hassan apologized.

''Let's talk, Ferit'' Dr. Den said to Ferit.

''Sure'' Ferit looked at Ozge and went out of the ward.


''Director Ferit, I know you are in a bigger position than me. I am just a Chief Surgeon in this hospital and will be retiring early next year, but Ozge is my niece and only family. Her aunt left her in my care. Even though I haven't been able to protect her and she went to prison, I will not watch her suffer any injustices. First, your fiancée tried to harm her without caring about a patient and now her crazy ex-boyfriend is obsessed with her to the point that he only cares about what he has to say to her"

"I don't want Ozge to get hurt. I see the way you are forcing yourself into her life. Please, if you can't protect her then leave her alone. Don't shake her up and watch her get hurt. Ozge can be cold and indifferent but once she is comfortable around you, she opens up doesn't hold back. I hope that you are sincere with her''

''I understand and I will take responsibility. I will not allow anyone to hurt Ozge, not Demit, Logan or anyone at that''

''Alright. I still have other patients I need to attend to. I will see you around''

''Yes'' Ferit put his hands in his pocket and sighed after Dr. Den left. He leaned against the wall and removed his phone to make a call.


Next day.

''n… no, please…''

''Dad, Mum is saying something in her sleep'' Amanda said to Ferit who was making a call. He turned to look at Ozge and went closer.

''I'm sorry, I'm sorry Amanda. I'm sorry, Ferit…''

''Oh, Dad, why is Mummy apologizing to us?''

''Amanda, you will be late for school'' Ferit said as he pulled Amanda when the door opened and Hadid came in.

''But, I want to see Mum before going to school''

''You will see her at home today, I promise''

''Then, will Mum be alright?'' Amanda looked genuinely worried.

''She will be fine''

''Miss, let me take you to school'' Hadid said to Amanda.

''Mm'' Amanda kissed Ozge's hand and said to her, ''Mum, please get well. I missed you''

''Bye, Daddy'' Amanda waved at Ferit before going out with Hadid.

Ferit turned to Ozge and saw her eyes finally opened. She was looking at him.

''You are awake? How do you feel?'' Ferit pulled the chair closer and sat down.

''I want to go home''

Ferit smiled. ''You will go home'' Ferit held her hand and looked at it saying, ''Ozge, let's get married''


Outside the door, Logan who was about to go in stopped, with his hand still on the knob.

''I want to be able to protect you and to do that, I need a title in your life''

''But marriage is a little…''

''Don't be in a rush to reject me. Think about it first and give me your answer later''

''Are you not afraid that I might disappoint you later on? Ferit, there are a lot of things you don't know about me''

''I will do that slowly. Nobody has to know about it. We can get married and you can tell everyone when the time is right for you''

''A secret wedding?''

''More like it. I don't want to be clueless about you anymore''



''The red shoes. I need to wear them first. You promised to wait until I put them on''

''I know. I'm just afraid you might never put them on. Am I being inconsistent?''

''No. You are consistent. Every time, it is either relationship or marriage proposals. I'm starting to be afraid of what kind of request you will bring up next''

''Dr. Sher, what are you doing here? Don't you think what you did is enough already?''

Ferit and Ozge looked at the door when they heard Leyla's voice.