Living together

Leyla opened the door and entered the ward. Logan followed her inside and Ferit stood up immediately.

''What are you doing here, Logan?'' Ferit asked.

''Ozge, can I speak to you alone? I promise I won't take much of your time'' Logan looked at Ozge with a hopeful gaze.

''No. You want to talk to her alone? Who is the reason why Ozge is here?'' Leyla asked and pointed at the door, 'leave Logan''

''Leyla…'' Ozge shook her head and turned to Ferit, ''can you give us a minute?''

''Ozge, what if he does something to you?'' Leyla asked and glared at Logan. She hated Logan so much for what he had done to her best friend.

''This is the hospital. What could he possibly do? Ferit, please. There is something I also need to tell Logan''

''Alright, call me when you are done''

''Mm, I will do that''

Ferit and Leyla left the ward leaving Ozge and Logan alone.

''Speak. What did you want to tell me?''

Ozge, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to explain and make certain things clear. I ended up hurting you''

''Okay, apology accepted!''

''You… you forgive me?''

''Yes, I forgive you but the question is. Are you able to forgive yourself for what you did and have done to me? Maybe I didn't make things clear which made you still think I harbour any feelings for you"

"Logan, I hate you but it has nothing to do with me still having feelings for you. I hate you because I lost so much by ever loving a man like you. I hate you because I couldn't see things clearly and assumed that just because you were good to me it meant that you loved me. But most of all, it isn't really you that I hate the most. I hate myself for ever loving you and for doing so much, losing so much and giving up on my dreams. Going to prison for trying to harm a man like you. But I know better now. I know better the kind of man I want for myself and that man isn't you. Logan, I do not love you. I stopped loving you a year ago. Whatever hope you had, please throw it away. Let's not make things difficult for each other. It's needless''

''Ozge… I''

''Logan, I am done hiding and thinking about what would happen. I am going to be with Ferit. I am going to tell him everything that happened that year including the fact that I am the witness and that I know the people who tried to kill him and his late wife. I am going to tell him everything and then start fresh with him''

''Ozge, I don't mind you getting together with Ferit. But are you willing to throw everything away and tell him the truth? What is the 'Miss' come after you? She already knows everything about you down to what you wear daily''

''I don't care. I don't want to live a lie or begin a relationship on a lie''

''Okay, I get it Ozge. I won't bother you anymore but I need you back in our department. It has never been the same without you''

''Logan, I love the working in the Emergency room. I don't miss being in that department''

''Alright, I still have something to do so I will leave first''


Ferit and Leyla entered the ward as soon as Logan went out.

''Ozge, what did he say?''

''He apologized for what he did last night''

''Just an apology and he kept so long?'' Leyla frowned.


Leyla looked at Ferit and smiled, 'alright, I will stop. I came to tell you that you are good to go home. Your uncle said you should give him a call''


''Then, I will leave you alone. Call me when you get home''

''I will do that''

Leyla walked closer to the bed and whispered into Ozge's ear, 'Ozge, I want all the details of how much progress you two have made, make sure to tell me if he has an enviable size too''

''Go, go'' Ozge hit Leyla's shoulder and pushed her away.

''Director Ferit, I will leave now''

''Thank you, Leyla''

''Ozge, fighting!''

''You…'' Ozge's face turned red.

''Why is your face so red?'' Ferit went closer and asked.

''Nothing'' Ozge looked away but her gaze kept shifting to a particular side of Ferit's lower part. She cussed herself for allowing Leyla to lead her astray within seconds.

''Ozge, are you having lewd thoughts about me?'' Ferit asked when he noticed her gaze on his lower part.

''No! I wasn't looking there''

''I didn't ask where you were looking at. Wait! Are you checking me out?''

''No!'' Ozge laid on the bed and covered her face with the quilt and Ferit chuckled.


AS building.

Ozge sat at the dining watching Ferit and Amanda cooking for her. Amanda insisted on cooking Ozge a meal so Ferit was helping her.

Ozge smiled and turned when her phone buzzed. She picked it and saw a message from an unknown number.

Ozge opened the message and saw a video of Leyla and Adams walking out of the hospital to the underground parking space. Ozge stood up at once and her phone started ringing. Ozge looked at the call with a complicated emotion.

''Ozge, are you not going to answer the call?'' Ferit asked and Ozge looked at him.

''I… I will go to your room to take the call''

''Sure'' Ferit replied and looked at Amanda. When Ozge walked away, he turned and looked towards the door.

Ozge entered the room and answered the call. ''Hello''

''Did you see that? Ozge, I am reminding you to get your act together. I am watching you. If you want the people you love to still be around, then don't you dare harbor any weird thoughts''

''Who are you?'' Ozge's fingers quivered around the phone. Even though she had a fair idea of who was on the line, she still asked.

''We've met before Ozge. It's just that, you don't know who I am but I know you. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, I have another little surprise for you. It will come soon'' the call ended and a message popped up with a video.

Ozge opened the video and saw Ferit's kitchen. The video showed Amanda and Ferit chatting as they cooked.

Ozge's heart started beating fast. She turned and hurriedly opened the door, bumping into Ferit.

''Ozge, are you alright?'' Ferit held her and asked.

''Ferit, where is Amanda? Are you alright?'' Ozge asked.

''Ozge, calm down. What is it?''

''Ferit… I… so, I… I…'' Ozge sighed deeply when she felt her mouth became tight. She didn't dare to utter the words in her heart. She felt something blocking her breath and she felt suffocated.

Ferit seeing her that way pulled her closer and kissed her, taking her by surprise. She looked at him with eyes wide opened and watched him as he continued to kiss her.

''Dad… mum?'' Amanda closed her eyes when she got to the door and saw them.

Ferit let go and held Ozge's hand and turned to Amanda. ''Let's go and eat. We will talk after dinner'' he said to Ozge.

Ozge nodded and smiled, holding Amanda's hand as they walked to the dining table.


Ozge covered Amanda with the quilt after the latter felt asleep. Ozge had read and sang for her until she fell asleep.

Ozge stood up and touched her lips, remembering the kiss from earlier, her cheeks turned red. She walked out of the room and closed it gently before going to the hall.

Ozge stopped a distance away when she saw Ferit in the kitchen making tea. She looked at him until he turned and spoke to her.

''If you look at me like that, I might not be able to withstand it, Ozge? Your eyes are telling me that you want me right now'' Ferit turned to look at her and asked, ''no?''

''No. What are you doing?'' Ozge walked to him and stood across the table.

''Making tea. It helps to calm the nerves and also reduces stress. Your uncle said you were under a lot of stress lately. I checked and asked around and apparently, this tea is good for stress relief and also allows your blood to flow well''

''I see. Thank you''

''There is no need to thank me''

''Ferit. Don't you hate me?''

Ferit turned with the two mugs and looked at her. He placed them on the table and asked, ''do you want me to hate you? No, have you done something to make me hate you?''

''Mm. A lot of things and even though I know you will hate me once you find it, I still hope that you will forgive me. I'm shameless, right?'' Ozge picked the mug and sipped after speaking.

''Silly girl. Drink the tea and go to bed''

''Go to bed? I have to go to my place''

''You are going to be staying here until you are strong and well. That way, I can take care of you better''

''I won't argue with you on that. Even I think I need a nanny. Thank you for volunteering to do it''

''Tsk!'' Ferit chuckled and shook his head.