Ozge, I have to break my promise!

Ozge stood by the door watching Ferit pick a set of beddings from his closet. He brought them out and she asked.

''Where are you… going to sleep? I don't want to inconvenience you''

''I will sleep in the hall. Don't worry about me. But if you really feel apologetic, I could always share the bed with you''

''In your dreams. I was going to tell you to sleep here, on the floor by the bedside. It's cold outside and you might fall sick''

''Such a thoughtful partner. Then, I will sleep here but I sometimes suffer from sleepwalking. So, I might end up on the bed later on…''

''Go and sleep in the hall''

''No, I will make sure I don't sleepwalk into you'' Ferit said and Ozge shook her head.


''Ozge, are you sleeping?'' Ferit asked after a little while. He turned his face towards the bed, facing Ozge.

''No'' Ozge turned and looked at him. ''It's late, why are you not sleeping?'' Ozge asked.

''I don't think I can be able to sleep tonight''


''Because I am too happy. I've dreamt of this moment for a long time. I almost lost hope and thought that maybe I was scaring you away with my actions''

''No, you are not. The problem was with me''

''I feel so happy to have you sleeping close to me. Even if we are separated by a distance''

''Ferit, can you tell me about Amanda's mother?''


''Mm. I want to know what kind of person she was''

Ferit smiled. Even though the light was off, he could visibly picture Ozge's face.

''Nana was a wonderful woman. She was beautiful and kind. Very industrious. She helped me become a good person''

''I see''

''But my time with her didn't last. After the accident, by the time I woke up I only saw her ashes. I was in coma for so long and also lost my eyesight. By the time I regained all of them, the only people I saw were my grandfather, Amanda and Demit''

''It must have been hard, right? Raising Amanda alone without​ your wife by your side. Amanda… is so adorable''

''It was hard but you are here now. I believe Nana brought you to us. Because she knew there would be no better person than you for me and Amanda''

''Ferit, I'm sorry''

''What are you sorry for?''

''A lot of things. Things I can't say to you''

''If you are sorry, then continue to stay by me and Amanda's side forever. It doesn't really matter for me how we started''

The room became quiet for a while before Ozge started talking ''Logan and I were supposed to get married. We made a lot of preparations and were supposed to get married in a few weeks' time. But he suddenly asked me to cancel it. But it wasn't​ the canceling of the wedding that made me hurt him. He lied to me and betrayed me. A lot of people in the hospital think that I tried hurting him because he cheated. No. That isn't it at all. I was hurt by the fact that he cheated or by the fact that he slept with a woman in our apartment''

''Ozge, you don't have to tell me anything''

''Ozge shook her head and kept talking. She wanted to let it all out. ''We were working on a project together. It was a clinical investigation on how we could use different cells and veins of the human body to connect to the heart so that those who suffer from hole in hearts could have the chance of surviving through our organic transplants. My aunt died because of this disorder so I dedicated all my time to it''

''On the day we were supposed to send it to our supervisor, Logan…'' Ozge sighed and continued. ''Logan asked me to go to another place to gather information. I shouldn't have gone but I went all the same. I didn't have any suspicions''

''I received a call from Leyla after arriving at the town. She sent me a video and, in that video, Logan was discussing our joint project with the Director and our Chief then, who happened to be the father of a nurse he claimed to be like a sister to him''

''He credited the name of the people who took part to just his name and added that nurse as his assistant. I boarded a bus back to the city and went to our apartment because I wanted​ to ask him. But when I arrived, I saw him having sex with that nurse in our bed. I thought about a lot of ways to confront them but the only thing that came to my mind was boiling water and pouring on them''

I was inside the house for 30 minutes and during that whole time they didn't stop, they didn't notice my presence. They just kept going at it, talking and mocking me. Making mockery about the fact that I promised to keep myself for him.

All that while, I had just one question. Why did he do that to me? What did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong? I ended up pouring the hot water on them. They called the cops on me and I was arrested at Leyla's house''

''Ozge, I have to break my promise'' Ferit said and stood up.


''I won't cross the line'' Ferit said and got into the bed. He laid on the other side and pulled Ozge closer, giving her a hug, ''this is as far as I will go''

''Sometimes I feel that he really thinks I am a fool. He stole my project and got a promotion. He is living a good life but me? I have been demoted. I am not exactly happy and I have a criminal record for life. Was it really worth it? Why didn't I just leave and allowed them to be together? I must have been crazy''

''You are not crazy and you didn't lose anything. You are a human being and acted as such. Don't put yourself on a high pedestal. Make mistakes, admit your wrongs, correct them and just be a normal human being''

''Why am I so emotional tonight?'' Ozge chuckled.

''It's normal. Sleep'' Ferit kissed her forehead and hugged her closer and murmured, 'good night''



Next day.

Ring! Ring!

Ozge wiped her hands and picked her phone from the table and answered it.

''Yes, Azra, what is it?''

''Dr. Ozge, the old man's bills have been paid in full''

''Really? Who paid the bills?''

''Alex Biden, but he… he made me give him your number. That was the condition for payment. I'm sorry I didn't inform you before giving your number to him. I just wanted to inform you to be careful''

''Alright, thanks Azra. I know what to do. How is the old man doing? Is it recovering well?''

''Yes. The ER is chaotic. An accident happened last night and the people were brought here. We are having a hard time''

''I will be there tomorrow morning''

''Your hand? Is your hand okay?''

''Yes, it's healing well. I can't be away for long. As long as I don't perform a surgery, I should be alright in a few days''

''Alright, then, Dr. Ozge, take care''

''You too, Azra''


Azra hung up and turned. She saw Nano and Demit looking at her.

''Was that Dr. Ozge?'' Nano asked.


''Aye, the hospital is so busy but others are relaxing and doing nothing at home'' Nano commented.

''Hey! Ozge got hurt, she is supposed to be. What is it with you?'' Leyla arrived at the counter and said to Nano.

''She was hanging out with the Director, Dr. Sher and even another Director outside the hospital a day ago. She got hurt and was brought to the ER. It seems there are a lot of things happening to her. Could it be karma?''

''It seems you are the one who has a lot to say about a senior doctor who is not your colleague, Nurse Nano?'' Patricia walked to them.

''I… Dr. Patricia is right. You shouldn't get involved with the Emergency room doctors'' Demit said.

''Same goes for you, head nurse Miss Demit. I hope that you stay within your boundaries and leave my doctors out of whatever game you are playing. I will not sit back and watch anyone do anything for their own personal gains''

''I don't understand. What do you mean? Dr. Patricia?'' Demit's smile stiffened as she asked.

''You know better what I am talking about. I just hope that you don't repeat such a thing again'' Patricia said and walked away.

''What are you looking at?'' Nano asked the three new nurses that were watching from a distance.


Ozge finished making her meal and sat down to eat. Ferit and Amanda had left early. She only saw a note they left behind.

Ozge's phone started ringing and she looked at it. It was an unknown number and somehow, she guessed who the person was.

''Hello. This is Ozge speaking''

''This is Alex Biden''