Let's see if you are still incapable

Ozge looked at the red shoes in her feet and smiled. She had brought the shoes to the hospital with her and had put them in her closet.

''It's really beautiful'' Ozge stood up and decided to take a walk. Since it was still early morning, she wasn't expecting anyone in her office.

Ozge walked from her table to the door and was about to walk back when the door suddenly opened. She was flustered and turned at once, coming face to face with Ferit.

Ozge's face turned red and she tried to step back and tripped.

''Be careful'' Ferit held her and pulled her closer to himself. He smiled and said to her. ''I think I am the luckiest man on earth''


''I have the most beautiful woman in my arms now and I want nothing more than to kiss her. I think I might go crazy because of her''

''What… what are you doing here… in my office?'' Ozge asked.