Men like you are not her type!

''25-year-old man. He was riding a bicycle when a car crashed into him. He hit his head against a pole and is bleeding. His neck is dislocated'' a paramedic explained to Dr. Adams as they pulled a patient on the stretcher towards the ER.

'He is also running a slight fever, so we managed to lower his temperature but he is still unconscious''

''Alright'' Adams helped the paramedics to put the patient on the bed. Two other paramedics arrived with another man, the one who was in the car.

''Leyla, where is Ozge?'' Adams turned to Leyla and asked.

''She went to visit the old man; oh she is coming'' Leyla said and waved her hand when she saw Ozge walking over with Azra.

''What is it?''

''We have two accident cases. Dr. Patricia isn't in yet and the juniors are in a meeting'' Adams explained.

''Let's get to it'' Ozge said and they walked to the patients.

''His ribs are fractured and there is a lot of blood in his lungs'' Adams said.