Assistant Director

Ferit stood at a distance watching Ozge closely. He took out his phone and sent a text to someone with just four coded words.

''It's time to work!''

After sending the message, he walked to Ozge with the first aid box to attend to her cut.


Apartment 0020

Harry punched in the passcode and opened the door and entered inside the apartment. He walked in and saw a lot of his boxes that he had shipped in earlier before taking the plane. They had already been moved into the apartment.

Seeing all his boxes together, he smiled and touched one, murmuring, ''I am back, Leyla!''


In the middle of the night, as they were sleeping, Ozge had a nightmare. In the dream, she found herself in a bottomless pit. A dark bottomless pit and she continued to sink. It was as if her hands and feet were shackled against something. She felt robes pulling her at all ends.