A change in things

''What? An assistant Director?'' Azra turned to look at Nano who had just broke the news to her.

''Yes, and he is very handsome. I saw him going to the Director's office with the family lawyer of the Oscar family. I think he was picked by the 'Miss' of the Oscar family. The hospital politics are about to get intense''

''You sound so excited for it?'' Azra asked and frowned.

''The wining team. So… you should pick a side, don't say I didn't warn you. When things get heated, you would need to prove your loyalty to one side. Think about it carefully''

''Why do I have to think about it carefully? I am a small nurse working in the ER. I have no business with the hospital politics. I am here to work and get paid''

''Don't be so naïve, Azra. A new Assistant Director, just a few months into the coming of the new Director, do you know what that means?''

''What does it mean?''