Leyla, where are you?

Early in the morning, Harry arrived at their old apartment and pulled over. He got down from the car and got down. He looked around before opening the gate and going in.

Harry stood at the door and looked at his father and chuckled. He went to the kitchen sink and fetched a bowl of water. He returned and emptied the water on Mr. Den, waking him up.

''You are finally away? I saw you were taking a nap. I didn't have the heart to wake you up so I had to wake you up with this bowl of water. Refreshing, right?'' Harry looked at his father and laughed.

''You have lost it completely. You are not just crazy anymore. You are a monster. A psychotic monster who feeds on people's pain''

''Father, what are you saying? Look at me…'' Harry leaned over and lifted his father's chin. ''This is me, Harry. Your precious son. You always told me to live my life the way I wanted. Are you now going to blame me for me turning out this way?''