If I want your opinion, I will ask for it...

''Snap out of it, Harry. You and I broke up because you were abusive. I got together with Adams and I am happy. You don't love me. You don't miss me. You just don't want to lose to someone else and you feel that Adams don't deserve me but let me tell you something, Harry. I am a happily married woman and that will not change. Don't come to me if it is not related to work. Stay away from me, my husband and my unborn child'' Leyla pushed him aside and walked away.

''Leyla, come back here. You know I hate it when you go against me'' Harry yelled and hurried towards the door to catch up with Leyla.

Leyla hearing the footsteps behind her, ran to the door and opened it, bumping into Adams.

''Adams'' Leyla heaved a deep relief when she looked up and saw Adams.

''Leyla, are you alright?'' Adams asked, wiping the sweat off Leyla's forehead. He looked behind Leyla and saw Harry at a distant smirking.