Saving Adele

Dr. Adele stood in front of the Press with Detective Franklin and the Chief of police. She bowed, lowering her head down for a while before looking up and saying.

''I sincerely apologize to Dr. Ozge, the Almendez family, the hospital and everyone who felt offended by my actions. I will reflect on myself and show a new self to you all''

Dr. Adele said and her gaze settled on a woman in the crowd. She was wearing a hoodie that covered almost half of her face but Dr. Adele recognized her still.

''Miss?'' Adele muttered and saw the woman in hoodie moving away from the crowd. Adele watched on till the lady got into a car and drove off.

Ferit's gaze was fixed on Adele so her strange behavior didn't escape his eyes. He followed her gaze and saw the woman in hoodie getting into the car.

Ferit took out his phone and made a call.

''Follow the card right now'' Ferit said into the phone and walked out with Ozge.

''Ferit, what is it?'' Ozge asked.