
''I… I'm sorry but I need to take off the shirt. Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. I just want to clean you up because you are sweating too much'' Azra muttered and touched his buttons. Her fingers quivered and she started undoing the buttons clumsily.

Hadid's eyes opened slightly and he saw her. He looked at her and asked softly, ''Azra, what are you doing here?''

''I… I heard you got injured but refused to come to the hospital. I came to check on you but you are running a fever. I want to wipe your body''

Hadid looked at her and chuckled, ''I'm fine. Just a slight fever, I am not sick''

''This isn't just a slight fever. Your body is burning up, Hadid. You can't even take care of yourself'' Azra undid all his buttons and asked, ''can… can you get up a little so I can take off the shirt?''

Hadid looked at her reddened face and chuckled. ''Why is your face so red, Azra?''