A fateful meeting

"We Will Always Meet The People We Are Supposed To Meet At The Most Unexpected Place In The Most Unexpected Circumstances"...


Almendez family house.

Ozge placed two glasses of Juice in front of the two young men and asked them. ''So, how was your country tour, Leslie?''

''It went well aunt'' Leslie replied.

'''I hope the girls didn't distract too much?'' Ferit asked and shifted so Ozge could sit next to him.

''Aunt, Uncle, he didn't even give me the chance to meet any girls. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with his body but then again, his parents are doctors and he is studying pharmacy, there can't be anything wrong with him'' Leslie said and Ozge chuckled.

''We don't want another scandal like the last one'' Desmond said as he leaned back on the couch, eating the cut fruits.

''When are you guys going back to school?'' Ferit asked.

''Tomorrow. We have a quiz'' Desmond replied.