The man in her dreams

Georgia walked out of the bathroom and saw Johanna turning her in her sleep. She got closer and sighed when she realised Johanna was having a nightmare.

''Ana, wake up. Ana, wake up'' Georgia shook Johanna's body until she opened her eyes abruptly and sat up.

''Ana, are you alright?'' Georgia sat beside Ana. ''Bad dream? You're sweating'' Georgia wiped the sweat from Johanna's face

''Can you get me a cup of water, please?''

''Sure'' Georgia went to the table and poured a cup of water and took it to Johanna and sat beside her again.


''Is it that dream again?''

''Yes. It was really real. Same accident scene all over again''

''It's okay. It's just a dream'' Georgia hugged Johanna.

''Georgia, I think I really saw him at the library. He was the one''

''The man in your dreams?''

''Yes'' Johanna nodded her head. ''He even looked at me but his gaze… his gaze cold. He didn't seem to recognise me at all''