Her first kiss is your first kiss... lucky dude!

''Why are you always coming here to eat? Go to your home'' Desmond said and everyone turned to look at him.

''Whoa! Is he jealous or simply mad?'' Leslie asked and Amanda and Ozge shook their heads.

''He is jealous'' Amanda added.

''Aunt, what is wrong with that girl? I heard you saying she is your patient'' Leslie asked.

''That girl has had a bad experience in the past so she gets sick when the opposite sex gets close to her. Kissing you was not something she wanted to happen. Did you have to say those words to her?''

''She threw herself at me. She even kissed me''

''She is sick, Desmond. Didn't you hear what mom just said?'' Amanda asked Desmond.

''Aunt, she is sick?'' Leslie asked.

''Yes, so, be careful of what you say to her''

''What is wrong with her?'' Desmond asked.

''I can't tell you. It's confidential''

''If she is sick; she should have been more careful'' Desmond muttered.