First love story has begun...

''How did it all start? I don't really know but I guess it must have been after the accident''

Ten years ago….

Xing Hospital.

''16 year-old girl involved in a hit and run accident. She is wearing the Xing Middle School uniform. Name is Johanna Larry''

The paramedic said after handing over the victim to the doctor in charge at the ER.

''What is the condition?'' the doctor asked.

''She lost a lot of blood. Her head sustained fatal injuries''

''Send her into the Operation room immediately and tell the blood bank to get blood ready''

''Yes, doctor''


Outside the Operation room, a teacher stood outside with another student wearing a similar uniform as the girl that was rushed in. the school girl was covered in blood.

''Miss Julia, will Johanna be alright?'' the girl asked with tears in her eyes.

''She will be fine. Johanna is a strong girl'' the woman called Miss Julia said and hugged the girl.