I didn't know about the test...

''Desmond, you are defending her. You just spoke with her for how long and now you are defending her? Desmond, don't tell me your first love story is finally beginning?''

''What nonsense are you talking about?''

''I'm serious Desmond. You are blushing'' Leslie teased.

''Am I? Hey, get out of here'' Desmond placed the book on the machine and pushed Leslie out before locking the door. He touched his face and frowned.

''Why is my face hot?'' he muttered.


PMG University.

Johanna got down from the taxi followed by Georgia. They waited for the car to drive away before they joined the other students, entering the school compound.

''I hope the questions cover all that we learnt last night. Ana, that book was really helpful''

''I told you''