Thank you, I will use them well...

''You still haven't told me about what happened between you and that girl?'' Luna asked as they walked towards the school canteen. Her arm was still wrapped around his hand.

''Nothing happened. Just an accident''

''An accident and you gave her your book to read? You never gave your book to any girl no matter the reason. Well, I was always the exception. It seems she is different''

''She is new, just wanted to help her out'' Desmond said and stopped walking when he saw Johanna at a table a distance away. She was eating with Georgia.

''Let's join them'' Luna said and went ahead, going towards Johanna's table.

Desmond sighed and walked over.

''Hi, I am Luna. We are in the same class'' Luna said as she looked at Johanna in particular.

''Hi, I am Johanna''

''I know. Desmond told me about you'' Luna said and pointed at the empty space by Johanna, ''we are also here for breakfast. Can we join your table?''