Do you have feelings for her?

''Thank you for the ride'' Georgia said when Leslie pulled over.

''This is the place? What time do you close?''

''Mister, why are you so interested in knowing when I close?''

''Well, we are considered friends, right? I was just asking out of concern''

''Friends? There is no friendship between a man and a woman. Don't you know that?''

''But your friend is friends with Desmond''

''How is that the same? Johanna is friends with him because she likes him…'' Georgia closed her mouth and cussed, ''darn it''

''Oh, so my deduction was right? Your best friend really likes Desmond?''

''Let me warn you. You didn't hear that from me'' Georgia said and picked her bag. She got out of the car.

''What time do you close?''

''None of your business'' Georgia said, giving him the f finger as she walked away.

Leslie chuckled and drove away.