What if there is more to it?

''How was studies in Overseas?'' Ferit asked as they ate dinner.

''It was good but I missed a lot of people here so I wanted to come home fast. A lot of times I felt like just quitting and coming back home''

''Are you sure you were missing everyone and not just one particular person?'' Ozge teased and Luna's face turned red.

''Well, I did miss everyone but I missed Desmond more'' Luna admitted and looked at Desmond. He was quietly eating his food as if he wasn't the one being talked about.

''Eat more meat, Luna. You look lean'' Ferit said as he placed meat in Luna's bowl.

''Uncle, don't you know that the new normal is to look slim? I am purposefully avoiding a lot of meat dishes so that I can maintain my figure''

''Oh, my bad'' Ferit said and they laughed.

''Aunt, uncle, goodnight'' Luna said to Ferit and Ozge. She looked at Desmond and smiled before going to her car.