Catching Benford

Xing Town Train Station.

''Everyone stand at your positions and be vigilant. We move as soon we see Benford'' Detective Cohan spoke into the …



At the train station, following the instructions that Desmond gave, everyone disguised themselves as they walked around the train station. They were all at vantage points, the gates​ to every entry point and also at specific places.

Inside the train underground alley, five policemen were also disguised in simple outfits. One was casually lying down at where most of the beggars slept at.

Johanna walked in the alley. She was dressed in a white shirt, faded blue jeans and a black jacket with her booths. She looked around as she walked on the tracks. She saw Desmond dressed like an old man casually sitting a distance away from the group of gamblers playing mahjong. He gave her a discreet nod and stood up, following her from the other side subtly.