A date

''Bye, Miss Julia'' Johanna said and kissed Miss Julia's cheeks.

''Safe flight back. Make sure you call me once you touch down''

''Alright, we will do that''

''Let's go in'' Desmond said to Johanna.


Xuimin City…

Johanna and Georgia's apartment.

''You girls should go in and take some rest'' Leslie said as the got down from the car.

''Thank you for everything'' Georgia replied before taking Johanna's hand and they went inside.

''Let's go, Desmond'' Leslie turned to Desmond.

''Let's go'' Desmond got into the car.


Almendez family manor.

''Mom, I'm home'' Desmond said as he walked to the hall.

''Desmond, you are back'' Luna stood up when she saw Desmond entering.

''Luna, what are you doing here? Where is my mom?''

''Aunt went to her room to try on some clothes we bought at the department store today. Desmond, how was your trip, did everything go on well?''