Pretend Girlfriend

Georgia arrived at the fancy restaurant and pulled over. She had changed her outfit according to Leslie's requirements. She was now in a light cream dress which stopped at her knees with a pair of black heels.

Georgia saw Leslie waiting when she entered the reception so she called him, 'Leslie, I'm here''

''Whoa! You look different in that dress'' Leslie said he looked at her.

''I always wear trousers. Of course I will look different. Tell me, what do you want me to do?''

''I have a meeting with a director but he brought his daughter. He wants to arrange a date between us but I already told him I have a girlfriend''

''And that girlfriend is me?''

''Who else but you?''

''Wait! Am I getting paid for this gig? If you want me to act in front of a director, that is risky and if I don't put on my best performance, he will catch on right away. Besides, I am your assistant and a lot of people see us together''

''How much do you want?''