You pushed her away...

The rest of the days went by quickly. It seemed more like exam days went by faster than any other day.

On the final day of the exam, after their last paper, Johanna submitted her papers and hurried out of the class. She went ahead to wait for Desmond at the car park.

Johanna was pacing around casually when she saw Desmond walking towards her but he wasn't alone. he was with another lady and she was clinging unto his hand as they walked.

''Desmond… can I have a word with you?'' Johanna asked when they got closer.

''Do you know her?'' the lady asked as she looked at Desmond.

''Get in the car and wait for me'' Desmond said to the lady.

''Alright dear'' the lady replied and looked at Johanna before getting into the car.

''What is it that you want to talk to me about?'' Desmond put his hands inside his pockets and asked.