You still have me...

''Desmond l, I am also serious. As your best friend I am really disappointed in you right now. How can you cut ties with the woman you love over something that happened a decade ago? Ana doesn't mind what happened so why are you stressed about it? Now you have pushed her into the arms of another man, a dangerous man at that and you want me to take her away? Let me be clear, I will not do that. If you care about Ana, then go and talk to her and bring her away. I will not be responsible if something happens to her. I am only worried about Gia and if there is something I need to do about it, I am doing it because of Gia only. Take care of your own fucking business yourself you coward'' Leslie yelled into the phone before ending the call.


Desmond threw the phone on the bed and cussed. He walked into the closet to get change out of his clothes.


Almendez manor.

Desmond walked into the manor and went straight to the study and opened the door.