Already bored without you...

After settling down in the plane, Desmond called the flight attendant and requested for a few things. The flight attendant went for a few minutes and returned with a trolley of different kinds of food.

''Whoa! Are all these for us?'' Georgia asked as she looked at the food.

''Yes. We are in the business class and this is what we get to eat. Happy?'' Leslie asked.

''Bragging again. This was arranged by Desmond, not you''

''Little Miss, we contributed equally. I paid for your flight and he paid for Ana's. don't look down on me''

''Alright, I'm not going to argue with you. I am hungry''

''You should have allowed us to get something to eat before boarding. You were busy playing the heroine''

''My best friend didn't want to eat. I couldn't be the only one eating while she starved''

''Whatever, dig in''