Luna is in danger

Blue Town.

Amanda walked into the lab and saw only Johanna inside. She walked closer and asked.

''Are you the only one here? Why didn't you go for lunch?''

''I'm waiting for Desmond. He still has some work left so when he is done we will eat together'' Johanna said shyly.

''I see''

''Miss Amanda''

''Call me Amanda or better still sister in law. I think I prefer the latter better''

''Sis… but Desmond and I are not married. Calling you that is a little…''

''You two will get married sooner or later, right? There is nothing wrong with calling me that a little early. Ana, I am happy that you and Desmond sorted out your differences". "Misunderstanding in relationships will always happen but what matters is that we are able to move beyond that and appreciate the people we care about''

''That's true''

''So, don't let anything else bother you. You have my blessings and I'm sure my parents won't have anything against you two''