Luna is taken hostage...

Luna yawned as she dropped her bag on the couch and went to the kitchen. Oak sat down waiting for her.

Luna returned with two bottles of beer and handed one over to Oak, 'here''

''I don't drink alcohol'' Oak said.

''Oo'' Luna pouted her lips and sat down. She opened the beer and sipped as she asked, ''so, what do you think?''

''First, we need to find out why you are his target. There must be a reason why he would attack you''

''That's true'' Luna sipped her beer and stood up saying, ''I need to change out of this outfit. I feel uncomfortable''

''Alright'' Oak picked the sketch and studied it again as Luna went to get changed. He looked at the window.

Oak stood up and walked to the window, muttering, ''why did she leave the window out open…?'' Oak furrowed his brows when he saw a footprint on the window stand. A part of the metal was bent as if being stepped on.