Clone of Johanna

Xuimin City.

Almendez family manor.


Ozge hugged Johanna the moment she opened the door and saw them. Her eyes were a little misty. Johanna could tell what had happened had affected her a lot.

''Johanna, dear. You are welcome back'' Ozge said and held Johanna's hand as they went to the hall.

''Dad, Aunt Azra, Aunt Leyla. Uncle Adams, uncle Hadid, good evening'' Desmond greeted all the people inside before going to sit beside his father.

''Johanna, meet Luna's mother Azra and her father, Hadid, Leslie's parents, Adams and Leyla'' Ozge introduced everyone in the hall to Johanna.

''Aunts, uncles, I apologize for what happened. It's my fault'' Johanna said and bowed apologetically.

''This is not your fault, Ana. It is something that simply happened. No one here is blaming you for it'' Ozge assured Johanna.