Take responsibility...

''Well… that's true. But following rules and regulations? Having school rules and regulations are hard enough, how can you be careful both at the hostel and at campus? That would be so tough. Does that mean we can't chat at your place?''

''We can always chat in my room, you can sleep over too. But the hall if off limits. I can use the kitchen but I must put everything in their place before leaving''

''Aye, I feel so bad for you. I shouldn't have convinced you to take that room. But earlier on, didn't it look like Fred and Venus have a grudge against each other and were just using you? One said go and the other said stop. Whoa! It was as if we were in a military zone where two captains fought against each other''

''Now that you are saying it, I find it true but it's strange. If they hate each other, why are they messing with me? I hate this''

''Let's not think about it. Come, I will take you buy some things that you will need''