She has a lot of steam to let out.

''We meet again, Amanda'' Fred said smugly.

''To put it more bluntly you are the one who just came and sat here uninvited. We didn't meet, rather you came to me'' Amanda replied.

''Amanda…'' Lauren pulled Amanda's dress and shook her head.

''You are a feisty one. This is about to be even more interesting. Did Venus tell you about me?''

''I guess you are not that important to him because he didn't mention you at all. Lauren, let's go. We will be late if we waste any more time here'' Amanda said and stood up to go and Fred held her hand, stopping her.

''Sit back'' Fred said in a commanding tone.

Amanda sighed and turned to face him. ''Tell me, what exactly do you want from me? Why are you doing this to me?''

''I have a spare room, come and live with me and I will stop messing with you''
