Senior is very good to me

''I'm sorry, Lauren. So much happened to you last night and I didn't even know'' Amanda hugged Lauren as she spoke.

''It's alright, I can say that was a blessing in disguise, thanks to their behavior last night, I got to move in to an apartment. Our block is no longer far from each other''

''That's true, but I still feel bad. Come, let's go. I will cover your breakfast and lunch. I got my meal card'' Amanda showed the meal card to Lauren.

''When did you go for it?''

''I didn't go for it. Senior Venus got it for me. He gave it to me this morning when I was getting ready to leave''

''That's good, I'm hungry''

''Let's go'' Amanda said, taking Lauren's hand as they walked away.


''I'm sorry…'' Fred said before looking up. He seemed surprised to have seen Amanda.

Amanda equally looked at him. They had just bumped into each other at the door. Neither had seen the other prior to bumping into each other.