A swimming competition

''We will go by the normal time scheduled for this class but if there is the need to go extra hour or minutes, I will inform your teacher. But we wouldn't need to go extra if you guys follow my instructions and do as I say. I can assure you, my lessons are easy to understand and when you finally​ go into the pool, it won't be difficult at all''

''Then, we won't start swimming today, right?'' Harriet asked again.

''No, I need to explain a few things to you today before. By the way, at the close of the lesson, I will come up with a cleaning schedule for the class. Each student will take turns in cleaning this place every time before lessons begins. You will make sure all equipment are cleaned and kept in their right place. Swimming doesn't only entails getting into water but also taking safety precautions so that you won't get hurt or another student won't get hurt''

''Yes, senior''

''Now, sit down, we will start our first lessons now''