Don't get hurt because of me...

''I didn't provoke him. He is playing the Black Knight'' Fred said sarcastically as he looked towards the entrance at Amanda.

Lauren turned to look at Amanda and asked softly, ''why is he looking at you? Is senior Venus…''

''No!'' Amanda said and looked towards Venus. He was already looking at her so their eyes met but Amanda sighed and turned, walking out of the swimming court.

''Amanda, wait!'' Lauren ran and caught up with her outside the entrance.

''Amanda, I think he is doing it because of you. He made a bet with Fred so that he would not be hostile towards you'' Lauren explained.

''I know, but I didn't ask him to do that for me. Why won't he let me handle it myself?''


''I get that he is doing it for me but I wished he had more faith and confidence in me. I am down for a while but it didn't mean I was going to be down forever. It didn't mean I couldn't handle it myself''