A sudden visit

''Here, luckily I brought a bottle of water. Go and give it to him''

''What? No!'' Amanda pushed the bottle back into Lauren's hands. ''Why would I do that?''

''Listen, you have to mark your territory before someone else does. Look at all the girls… they are obviously here because of senior. Amanda, in love; you have to be fierce''

''No, I'm not doing it''

''Ooh, at this rate, senior is going to lose'' Lauren turned to the court saying.

Amanda looked at the court and sighed anxiously.

''Why don't you just give up, Venus?'' Fred said as they played.

''Shut up and play'' Venus said before snatching the ball from Fred and shooting it into the net for his second goal.

''From here forth I am going to show you no mercy'' Fred said before knocking down Venus to score his fourth goal. He picked the ball up again and turned to look at people outside. He saw Amanda amongst them and turned to look at Venus.