He is not my boyfriend...yet

''Aunt, please come in'' Rita said when they arrived at her apartment. She opened the door and allowed Ozge to go in before the others.

''Mum, sit here. I will bring you a cup of water'' Amanda said nervously as she looked at Ozge.

''No need for water, darling. This place looks decent. I am rest assured now that I've seen where you stay. Your roommates are all nice''

''That's why I said there was no need coming here, mum. Elder sister is grown now. You should let her off''

''Shut up, what do you know?'' Ozge said and they laughed.

''We brought some things, make sure you give them to your friends and roommates''

''Aunt, thank you for the gifts'' Lauren said.

''You are welcome. I am happy that my daughter met wonderful people like you. I am always worried about her''

''If mum knew you had a boyfriend already, she would go crazy and lock that boy up'' Desmond whispered into Amanda's ears.