He is my boyfriend​!

''Senior, since earlier on you've been asking me this question. Are you afraid to go in there?'' Lauren raised her brows teasingly as she asked.

''What? Hey! Why would I be afraid? I used to work here.'' Fred's voice came out a little loud.

Lauren gave Fred a suspicious gaze and folded her arms. She let out a soft chuckle and asked. ''Senior, tell me the truth. Are you afraid of dark places or ghosts?''

''I told you I am not…'' Fred said furiously.

''Alright, let's go then. But senior, if you know you are afraid then, it's better that we go to a different place. I am a woman, it won't look good on you if you cling unto me in there''


''Alright, let's go then'' Lauren walked towards the door and Fred followed reluctantly.


Back at the school.

Amanda opened her eyes and yawned. She got down from the bed and rubbed her stomach.