Then... our work will be in vain

''I mean I need to know whether he is worthy of being my son in law. I want to see if he is not like the other boys who run away after hearing about who you are''

Lauren sighed and bit her lips. She touched her forehead and closed her eyes.

''She is the Princess of Vee Island and successor to the throne. Not just that, she will soon become the chairlady of Adams Electronics. She will one day rule over the whole of Vee Island and its people''

Lauren sat back and placed her head on the table. She had a complicated look in her eyes when she looked up and met with Fred's gaze. She looked afraid for the most part.

''Surprised, right?'' Mr. Adams asked Fred.

''Well, I am indeed surprised but that doesn't change anything. I am not with Lauren because of what she has. I am with her because she is a genuine and fun person to be with'' Fred held Lauren's hand and smiled.