The watch

Amanda looked at Venus who was busy putting the empty cans into the trashcan and asked.

''Senior, you… are you alright? You didn't look happy earlier on''

Venus turned to look at her and asked. ''Are you asking me because you don't know or are you genuinely clueless?''

''I don't understand what you mean, senior. Did I do something wrong? I feel that you are angry with me but I can't think of anything'' Amanda walked closer and started picking the cans with him.

''I'm not angry with you and you didn't do anything wrong.'' Venus took a deep breath and smiled. He pointed at the couch saying, 'sit down''

''Huh?'' Amanda looked at him as he walked into his room. She was confused but didn't say anything. she waited until he returned with a small box in his hands.

''What is this, senior?'' Amanda asked when he gave the box to her.

''Open it first'' Venus sat across her.