My answer is yes

''Prenuptial? You are not getting married, why are you jumping ahead of yourself? Also, from what you are saying, the person you are most worried about isn't yourself but Senior. If anything, he is the one that will gain in this relationship. He gets to have a beautiful girl as his girlfriend'' Amanda said and smiled.

''You think so? Senior is also handsome. He has a lot of girls crushing on him'' Lauren didn't sound sure of her own thoughts anymore.

''Lauren, relax. Nothing is going to go wrong. I believe Senior is a good person. He wouldn't accept to be your boyfriend if he didn't want to. He won't take advantage of you either'' Amanda held Lauren's hands.

''I'm hungry'' Lauren said and looked at the food.

''This…'' Amanda blushed.

''Did senior make this for you?''

''Lauren, there is something I want to tell you''

''Let's eat while you talk. I am so hungry'' Lauren opened the lunchbox.