Chapter 21

The moon shone on a certain road in between 2 wheat fields. It was a long road that went from a city all the way to a ginormous wall. Many figures on horseback could be seen riding towards the wall. They had determined expressions on their faces and held their weapons firmly. They were prepared for anything and were willing to give it their all for what was about to come.

10 guards were patrolling the area around the gate and many archers stood on top of the wall looking out into the night. Things were seemingly peaceful until they heard hoof beats as loud as thunder approach them. They immediately stood alert and looked behind them to see a group of horsemen riding closer to them. They were armed. 2 guards were already shot by arrows before they had time to react. The archers on the wall started firing while the guards on the ground prepared for the incoming cavalry. The infantry had a disadvantage compared to the archers on the walls due to the fact that they were directly facing the cavalry.

Arrows were shot both ways and the guards were tramped by the horses. It was a bloodbath and the once silent night became riddled with blood-curdling screams. Corpses littered the ground and the archers on the wall had been hit by so many arrows they looked like porcupines. Horses could be seen without their legs and some people were even trapped by a fallen horse slowly suffocating. A lone man stood up. An Iron Rose Kingdom guard laid beneath him. The man was covered in wounds but slowly walked up the stairs to the top of the wall. He had a torch in one hand and a sword in another.

This man was Alec Weaver. He used to be a small-time baker who owned a shop with his wife. They were not rich nor were they powerful but that did not matter as they were happy. He was going to be a father soon as his wife was pregnant. Things were going great. But one day it all went crashing down. His wife was very pretty and had attracted the current king and while Alec and his wife were walking to the market one day they were stopped by a group of the kingdom's soldiers. A carriage was behind them and the king's voice could be heard asking for the women to be brought to him. His wife tried to fight back but was hit by one of the king's guards in the scuffle. The iron glove hit against her smooth soft skin and she fell down. A loud cry could be heard from her before she gave her last breath and all became silent. Alec did not even have time to mourn as he was arrested for resisting the king. He was carted off to prison while his wife's body was thrown away. No not just his wife but his future kid. His hopes for life. His meaning and purpose. He had given up at this point. He wanted revenge but he knew it would never happen. He would be executed soon.

The day before he entered the gallows a man visited him in the prison. He offered him a chance to go against the king and make the king pay for everything he has done. This gave Alec a new meaning in life. He and many other prisoners joined this strange group known as the Crimson Crusaders. They spent several weeks causing trouble for the king and his men. He then learned of a bigger plan. One that would be near impossible but would be the one that brought down the king for good. Alec knew it was dangerous but this was the moment he had been waiting for. He could get revenge for his loved ones. He and all the others who were prepared to give their lives for a new kingdom and better future rode to the wall during the night. They were going to take it and let in an army that would finally set things straight.

They had been briefed on the plan and it was going to be hard. They were already spotted on their way to the gate so they had to act fast. More soldiers would catch up to them. Alec and company attacked the gate with everything they had. Things were looking good until reinforcements came. Alec's comrades started to drop like flies. The gate had not been opened but the signal had already been lit. He had almost given up hope but luckily his wife's image showed up in his mind encouraging him. He claimed up the steep stairs while haveing the surviving soldiers follow him or shoot arrows at him. An arrow hit him in the knee and he almost fell off the staircase. But he made it to the top and grabbed a hold of the lever that would open the gate. He started to pull but was close to opening the gate but a blade had pierced his chest. This did not stop him and he gave all he had left to finish opening the gate so that the Crimson Crusaders could take this kingdom and kill that bastard of a king.

This was it! He had done it. He smiled with a tear falling down his face. It came out red. He breathed heavily and closes his eyes. Even though he was dying he was happy. He had opened the gate and he could hear the hooves of revenge ride through the gate and head towards the kingdom. He could now rest happily knowing that he had taken revenge for his family. He could now visit his wife and child in the next life. "I wish you the best Lord Kane. Thank you for the chance" he said as he fell from the top of the wall. He took his last breath before hitting the ground with a loud bang. His corpse was ugly with a number of wounds on it but if you looked at his face you would have thought that this man was on top of the world.