Chapter 28

"This is the first camp Tesh" 2 hooded men were in a tree overlooking a goblin camp. "It looks pretty big and I spot a Hobgoblin. He looks like the chief" said one of the men. "Well, he is the only hobgoblin Taz. So it makes sense" responded the other. Tesh and Taz were sent to scout the goblin village before Kane and the rest of the men arrived.

Kane planned to surround the camp and show off his power in front of the goblins. He would show them fear while having his men in advantageous positions with weapons drawn. This would scare and demoralize the goblins and give Kane room for talks. If recruiting the goblins failed then it would give them the advantage in a fight with the goblins.

"As long as we have enough archers this will be a piece of cake," said Tesh. "Yeah, we should be able to do this just fine. We all brought bows and pikes as they are the most effective against these goblins" said Taz. "Do you think the lord's plan to recruit these creatures is smart?" asked Taz. Tesh shrugged and said "I am not sure but he has not led us astray so far. And he is smart as the goblins would be useful in growing an army that can easily be produced and thrown at the enemy. I am surprised no one has thought of this before. Anyways let's just hope that he can really talk to them or these discussions will be really fast." They were both uncertain if their lord could actually speak the goblin tongue but would still follow his orders.

"Let's head back towards them. They should be nearing here soon and we will want them to be prepared" said Taz as he climbed down from his perch in the tree. They both got back on the ground and went to where they stashed their horses so that they could ride off back to Kane.

Kane was leading his group towards the goblin camp. They rode their horses at a trot so that the scouts had time to look at the goblin tribe and report back. Kane was excited to use his new "toothpick." The lance was an exciting weapon that Kane always wanted to try and with the advanced skill, he would be able to use it well without practice. He hoped and had a feeling that there would be some unruly goblins and Kane was ready to drive his lance through their little green bodies.

"Sir the scouts are back," said a crusader. Kane saw two men ride towards him. "What did you guys see?" Kane asked for their report. "The village is large but there is no wall. Most of the goblins are in the center eating and we can easily surround them. I suggest we get some archers to climb on the houses to keep them in check once we surround them. Also, they have guards so we will have to kill the ones that are not in the center so we are not detected" said Taz.

"Ok great job. We shall move on them at once then so their position does not change. I will confront the Hobgoblin myself. I want the rest to spread out and make their way to the inside of the village when it's time. Archers will focus on the guards and when we encircle them I want you to shoot at any goblin who moves without reason. Let's move out!" Kane gave his men some commands before they left off to the tribe.

They had finally arrived at the tribe and Kane activated blood aura and readied his horse and lance. He would charge down the main path of the tribe followed by 2 guards. The rest would ride through other parts of the tribe to surround the goblins. Kane poured oil on his lance and lit it on fire. Then signaled for his men to begin.

The goblins were not ready for Kane's forces at all. The guards were killed with no effort and his men surrounded the main group at the center of the village. Kane was at the head of the group. His killing intent made the goblins tremble. The hobgoblin chief looked angry and snarled at Kane. "Looks like I have to teach you a lesson," Kane said to the chief in the goblins tongue. The goblins looked surprised and even the hobgoblin started to sweat. "What do you want from us human?" said the chief. "I already told you that I want some respect" responded Kane.

Before any more words were exchanged the chief was suddenly hit by a fireball and started to scream in pain. He then heard hoof beats and his pain was instantly ended. In fact, his entire life was ended. A large red lance poked through the face of the chief while the body was still burning. Some goblins wanted to help their chief but were instantly shot full of arrows. The rest looked terrified. Goblins were like beats and would attack if they had the advantage but if they were weaker than their enemy they would cower. They would also be disorganized without a leader and would act more like animals. Kane showed them fear and now he needed to offer them a carrot. A chance to live and even thrive.

"Your leader is dead and you will be too" Kane addressed the goblins. "I offer you a chance. You will not only be able to live longer but you can even grow to where your past fears will disappear and you may rise to the top with me. You will be able to grow without worries. All I need is for you to fight for me. The ones who cant will be able to live safely in a location under my protection. You would not need to worry about survival as much. You will only need to fight when you outnumber the enemy. I can also make you stronger. FOLLOW ME AND YOU WILL GO FROM WELPS TO DRAGONS!"

The goblins were scared but they liked Kanes offer. It gave them a chance to live without the fears of the wild and grow without worries. When they become stronger they could fight without worries. The human before them gave the aura of a demon and they felt he was very powerful. If they followed him they could become powerful too. A dog would always bow to a wolfs. Kane smiled as he started to see the creature's reactions. Looks like his army will have another burst of strength. And with that, his kingdom will also become stronger.