Chapter 74

Kane wanted to be fully prepared for war and that included improving his defenses. Kane had many troops and a huge wall protecting the kingdom but he did not have any other defenses. He wanted more range units as he only had a few archers compared to other types.

Kane had some Crusader and city guard archers who were better at hunting than anything as well as some orcs and Kobolds who used throwing weapons. He also had the three trolls who could through large rocks and a few siege weapons on the wall. It was not enough.

Kane did not want to spend the shop points on archers so he asked around to see if anyone had suggestions.

One of the Orc chiefs came to Kane the day after he started asking. His name was Kellog and he was a friend of Hogars.

Apparently, Kellog was a well-traveled orc and he was even responsible for helping the old leader recruit more tribes to the big tribe. It's how he met Hogar.

Kellog was not the best warrior but he was an exceptional diplomat for an orc. On one of his journeys, he ran into a tribe of Rat People called the High Claw Horde. They were led by a ratfolk named Sceg.

Kellog said that these ratfolk were good assassins, thieves, and hunters. They specialized in daggers and crossbows. They were meant for stealth but they could still help out with Kanes needs. Kane also wanted to get more assassins so it would work out both ways.

"Where are these ratfolk?" asked Kane.

"They are rather far and it will take several days to get to their home. They live in caves north of our old camp. I am willing to lead you to them. I am sure that they would be willing to serve you went they your power and hear the benefits. I am also friends with Sceg Shadowclaw and am sure that I can help."

"Very good Kellog. Gather your tribe members and I will bring some men as well. We will meet at noon and head off toward the caves."

"Yes, chief thank you!"

Kane decided to bring along 10 Crusaders as guards, A Hobgoblin and 10 goblins, the Kobold Cheif, and ten kobolds. Kellog brought 20 orcs. The group was very diverse and would hopefully help in convincing the High Claw Horde to join.

Talking with Kellog also gave Kane his idea for his own hordes name. The horde consisted of orcs, goblins, kobolds, trolls, and hopefully soon ratfolk. Kane decided to steal something from Saruman and name this group the White Hand Horde. He would have their gear customized later. For now, he sent word to spread his decision. Now all he had to name was the Iron Rose Kingdoms city. He would decide that later though.

Kane readied up and led his troops to the gate to the forest. Kellog led the way while telling stories of his journeys to Kane. The trip seemed like it would be uneventful.