Chapter 128

"BOT what is this?"

[I...I'm unsure. This was not supposed to happen. I may need to do a systems check.]

"This is the leader of your new soldiers?" Kellog looked confused, amused, and unsure. As did the rest of Kane's company. All except Ivar, who looked very interested in the figure who stood in front of his King. 

"What is going on here my liege?" asked one of Kane's men. 

Kane was as surprised as everyone else. When walking into the city Kane was prepared to see the gristled and tough Jomvikings awaiting him, and he did see them. But he also saw the legendary warrior the system gave him. It was supposed to be a warrior of great strength but nothing too powerful and Kane expected him to be hairy, smelly and scarred. What he saw though was incredibly shocking. 

"Yeah you got a problem with that beast?" said the boy, who looked no older than twelve. 

Kellog was not usually one to be taken back but it seems the boy's question even stumped him. Any other orc would be angered and attacked while Kellog just stood there unsure how to respond. 

Kane broke the awkward silence with a chuckle. His surprise finally dissipated. It definitely was strange that this legendary warrior who would be his first great Jomsviking was a 12 year old kid but Kane was quite happy about it. He expected a low-rank viking with decent stats but instead, he got a quick to anger pre-teen who was actually S-rank. 

"What is your name boy?" asked Kane. 

"I am Vagn Akesson, the best and brightest of this lot!" said the boy proudly. He wore raggedy cloths but so did the rest of the Jomsvikings. It seems the starter mercanries were lightly armored and Kane would need to supply goods to upgrade their gear. 

"Vagn Akesson huh." 

The name seemed familiar to Kane. He did not completely remember Jomsviking lore though. 

[Uhh it seems your first Jomsviking hero is one of their greatest warriors. Or at least will be. He started his journey as a kid and it seems that the version we got is when he began in the Jomsvikings.]

"So our first commander has no experience being a Jomsviking yet. Thats great." 

He may be a great warrior but Kane knew it would take a lot more to get his new troops ready for war. And they did not have much time. 

[Do not fret lord. This may be a blessing. He started to lead men at this age and even defeated an older and more experienced warrior to become the only one of his age to become a Jomsviking. He even commanded other Jomsvikings and was a insuring and fierce warrior. That being said I suggest leaving Ivar here to help with things. Hopefully together they will help this place grow fast and soon. And not destroy it.]

"Yeah I think that's smart. Both their personalities are a bit much but they will help these early troops advance fast. I'll send troops and supplies here as soon as possible so we can start improving this town and military. Kellog! Get my merchant over here and explain to him my plans for it. The ones we discussed on our way here."

"Yes your highness!' 

"Well Vagn and Ivar I leave the future of my Jomsvikings and navy to you. There is a war going on and very little time. So work together to make raiders worthy of my empire! Do not disappoint." 

"With me, there will be no weakness nor fear in the troops! We will plunder and kill and I promise to bring you any heads if you want them!" Vagn was definitely confident about his skills. It was quite funny coming from someone whose voice clearly hadn't hit puberty.

"Don't worry the kid won't ruin anything when I'm around. We should be ready for war soon," said Ivar.

"What did you say!?" Vagn turned to Ivar with his fist raised. 

"Good, both of you have one month to upgrade the town, increase, armor, and train the troops, and build enough ships for raiding. I'll be sending all you need. Now I must leave. Don't kill each other." 

Kane left the two to their arguing and prepared for the journey home. 

[The user has received a gift from the system]


[As an apology for the hero being a kid (although he is honestly better than most of the other warriors you could have started with) I have managed to get you a very precious system skill early. We actually talked about it earlier.]

"What is it?" Kane was very curious about BOTs message. 

[Fast travel has been unlocked]


Kane was even more shocked than when finding out a kid was leading a group of bloodthirsty Vikings. 

[Well it only works for your territory. Every named or important place in your territory will have a summon platform where you can transport anyone who is on it. They are small now and can only transport you and a few others. Also they take time to recharge, so you can't use it multiple times to transport your army. But when you get stronger the power of fast traveling will grow.]

"That's incredible! What kind of places are unlocked?"

[Jomsberg, Iron Rose Kingdom, White Hand Hordes base camp, and towns and villages under your control. Also the mine that your dwarves are using.] 

"Can we use it now?"

[You going to leave all your troops here?]

"Fair point." 

[What is your plan by the way?]

"I am going to head back home for now. I want to make sure my territory is secure for the rest of the war. As for what else I'm unsure as I don't know what the White Sparrow has in store for the war. They may send for us. We may also be attacked. Either way, I want to grow my military might and defenses so I'm prepared. Then we can launch attacks of our own."

[Sounds fun]

"It does indeed."