But Amber was a nubile young beauty at seventeen and, in my memory, already on her way to a lifetime career as a top supermodel. I don’t know what ever happened to her, and I actually spend one sleepless night Googling her to see if I can find out, but either she fell off the face of the Earth or she got married and changed her name, because I can’t seem to locate her. And the memory of our one lackluster date does little to distract me from my thoughts of Ryan.
I don’t get this worked up over guys. I don’t. So why is Ryan different?
I can’t put my finger on it. He’s well off, which appeals to me because I’m a broke-ass bastard. He’s handsome in a way men rarely are in real life, but he almost doesn’t seem to notice. He’s kind and generous and knows his way around a cock, let me tell you. Before we even went out Friday night, I knew he wasn’t like any of the other guys I’ve met before.