Chapter 31

I had to smile. “Best ever,” I said.

That led to question after question. I wish I could have told them the real truth.

* * * *

Just before three, Richie and the kids tromped in the back door. Lizzie looked very sad but Dickie looked pissed.

“What’s wrong with you two?” Pat asked.

“We were having fun!” Dickie growled.

“I had a hard time getting them to come in,” Richie explained. “Those kites are awesome!”

“Well, go wash up. Dinner will be on the table in five minutes.” She shooed all three into the bathroom.

“I guess your gifts were a hit,” Pat told me. “I’m glad Richie has next week off. He can be out with them every day!”

“Let’s get the food on the table so we can eat,” Mom urged us. “Then we can talk about next week.”